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The Salonnières

By Liz Duffy Adams

Scenic Design Katy Monthei
Lighting Design Chris Fournier
Costume Design Gail Astrid Buckley
Projection Design Christine Banna
Properties Master Emme Shaw
Production Stage Manager Elizabeth Ramirez
Production Associate Shauwna Grillo

"In pre-Revolutionary Paris, a young girl promised in marriage to a Duke to pay off her father's debts flees to the literary salon of her late mother's friends: aristocratic women who conceal radical politics within reinvented folk tales."


The characters told three vivid fairytales to each other over the course of the play. Each fairytale was accompanied by animated shadow puppetry and illustrative music/sound.

A story about a monster in the shape of a man.

A story about a man in the shape of a monster.

A story about revolution.

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